Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Developing a Position

Developing a Position

Q Write about the position you want to take in the society and that has to be enough captivating.

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What I believe in that is the concept of the English language and its domination all over the world. The English language itself is treated as class or standard which I do not believe in. Instead I strongly believe that each language in the world should get its share of respect. The colonial rule has ended long before but we still follow the notions of the English which has been left by them. The many people are mocked at if they do not know how to speak in English; rather keeping one language as the official one, we need to emphasize the importance of the other existing language in the world. Now the circumstantial problem will arise and people will find out any common language to speak and to write their opinion.